Publications - Suzana Braga Rodrigues - Professor of International
Professor of International, Professor of International Strategy, Professor of International Business and Organization
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Examples of Publications


Rodrigues A. C. and Rodrigues S. B., (2018). Governança, Publica, Re-eleição, e Royalties na Indústria de Mineração (Public governance, royalties and Re-election in the mining industry) Administração Pública e Gestão Social (forthcoming).

Rodrigues, S. B. Dieleman, M. (2018). The internationalization paradox: Untangling dependence in multinational state hybrids, Journal of World Business, (53), 1, 39-51

Doh, J., Rodrigues, S.B., Saka-Helmhout, A., and Makhija, M.V. (2017). Guest editorial on International business responses to institutional voids. Special Issue, Journal of International Business Studies, 293-367

Duarte R. G. and Rodrigues, S. B. (2017). Co-evolution and industry strategies: The case of the Brazilian automotive industry. Co-evolution of government and industry strategies: The case of the Brazilian automotive industry. BAR-Brazilian Administration Review14(2): 2-28

Hiesh L., Rodrigues, S.B (2014). Revisiting the Trustworthiness-Performance-Governance Nexus in International Joint Ventures. Management International Review, 54 (5): 675-705

Puthusserry, P.N., Child J. and Rodrigues, S.B. (2014). Psychic Distance, its Business Impact and Modes of Coping: a Study of British and Indian Partner SMEs. Management International Review, 54 (1): 1-29

Van der Lugt, L. M., Rodrigues, S. B., and Van den Berg, R. (2014). Co-evolution of the strategic reorientation of port actors: Insights from the Port of Rotterdam and the Port of Barcelona. Journal of Transport Geography, 41, 197-209

Child, J., Rodrigues, S.B. and Tse, K. (2013). The dynamics of influence of corporate co-evolution. Journal of Management Studies, 49 (7): 1246-1273

Rodrigues, S. B. (2012). Coping with complexity in emerging markets. RSM Insights, 3rd quarter, 11 (3): 16-17

Rodrigues, S.B., Gonzalez, D.R. and Carrieri, A. (2012). Indigenous or imported knowledge in Brazilian management studies: A quest for legitimacy? Management and Organization Review, 8 (1): 211-232

Rodrigues, S.B., Child, J. (2012). Building social capital for internationalization. Revista de Administração Contemporânea, 16 (1): 23-38.

Seifert, R. J., Child, J. and Rodrigues, S.B. (2012). The role of interpretation in the internationalization of smaller Brazilian firms. Brazilian Administration Review, 9 (4): 475-497

Child, J., Duarte R., Tanure, B. and Rodrigues, S.B. (2012). Access to tacit knowledge by executive retention in cross-border acquisitions. Brazilian Administrative Review, 9 (3): 329-350

Child, J., Rodrigues, S.B. (2010). How organizations engage with external complexity: A political action perspective. Organization Studies, 32 (6): 803-824

Rodrigues, S.B., Child, J. (2010). Private equity, organization and the quality of employment contract. Human Relations, 63 (9): 1321–1342

Hsieh, L.H., Rodrigues, S.B., and Child, J. (2010). Risk perception and post-formation governance in international joint ventures in Taiwan: The perspective of the foreign partner. Journal of International Management, 16 (3): 288-303

Child, J., Rodrigues S.B. and Frynas G. (2009). Psychic distance, its impact and coping modes: interpretations of SMEs decision-makers. Management International Review, (49):199-224.

Rodrigues, S.B., Child, J. (2008). The development of corporate identity: A political perspective. Journal of Management Studies, 45 (5): 885-911

Child, J., Rodrigues, S.B. (2008). The process of SMEs internationalization: British firms entering Brazil. Economia e Gestão, 17 (3): 31-55

Rodrigues, S.B. (2006). The political dynamics of organizational culture in an Institutionalized Environment. Organization Studies, 27 (4): 537-557

Child, J., Rodrigues, S.B. (2005). The internationalization of chinese firms: A case for theoretical extension? Management and Organization Review, 1 (3): 381-410

Martins, H. C., Rodrigues, S.B. (2005). Atributos e papéis dos conselhos de administração das empresas brasileiras. RAERevista de Administração de Empresas, (45): 23-35

Child, J., Rodrigues, S.B. (2004). Repairing the breach of trust in corporate governance. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 12 (2): 143-151.

Rodrigues, S.B., Child, J. and Luz, T. (2004). Aprendizagem contestada em ambiente de mudança radical. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 44 (1): 27-43.

Rodrigues, S.B. (2004). Os desafios da administração no século 21. Revista de Administração de Empresas, (4): 108-110

Rodrigues, S.B., Child, J. (2003). Co-evolution in an institutionalized environment. Journal of Management Studies, 40 (8): 2137-2162

Child, J. and Rodrigues, S.B. (2003). The international crisis of confidence in corporations. Journal of Management and Governance, 7 (3): 233-240

Child, J. and Rodrigues, S.B. (2003). Corporate governance and new organization forms: Issues of double and multiple agency. Journal of Management and Governance, 7 (4): 337-360

Kiliminik, Z., Rodrigues, S.B. (2000). Trajetórias, transições e âncoras de carreiras: Um estudo longintudinal com profissionais de recursos humanos. Organização e Sociedade, 17, Janeiro-Abril: 145-172

Rodrigues, S.B., Duarte, R. (1998). Diversidade cultural no contexto internacional de negócios. Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão, 4 (1): 117-134

Rodrigues, S.B. (1997). Cultura corporativa e mudança organizacional. RAC – Revista de Administração Contemporânea, 1 (2): 45-72.

Rodrigues, S.B. (1997). A ANPAD nas Palavras de seus Presidentes. RAC – Revista de Administração Contemporânea, 1 (1): 159-162

Rodrigues, S.B. (1996). Negociações para alianças estratégicas: O ingresso de empresas brasileiras no mercado chinês. Revista de Administração da USP, 31 (3): 28-37

Rodrigues, S.B., Collinson, D. (1995). Having fun? Humour as resistance in Brazil. Organization Studies, 15 (6): 739-768

Rodrigues, S.B., Hickson, D. (1995). Success in decision making: Different organizations, differing reasons for success. Journal of Management Studies. 32 (5): 655-678

Rodrigues, S.B., Sá, R. and Arruda, C. (1989). O impacto da tecnologia da informação no setor bancário. Revista de Administração da USP, 24 (3)

Rodrigues, S.B. (1988). Microeletrônica e qualidade dos serviços: Estudo de caso de um hospital. Revista de Administração USP, 23 (4): 17-28

Rodrigues, S.B. (1987). Tecnologia da informação e organização do trabalho. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 28 (3): 43-46

Rodrigues, S.B. Tecnologia da informação no setor de serviços: O impacto na configuração do trabalho. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 26 (1): 43-56

Rodrigues, S.B. (1985). Tecnologia da informação em organizações. Revista de Administração de Empresas USP, 23 (4): 1-13.

Rodrigues, S.B. (1984). Processo de decisão em universidades: Teoria III. Revista de Administração Pública, 19 (4): 60-75

Rodrigues, S.B., Sá, R. (1984). A estrutura das organizações brasileiras: Algumas implicações metodológicas da comparação com os estudos de Aston. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 24 (4): 158-174


Child, J. Tse, K. and Rodrigues, S.B. (2013). The Dynamics of Corporate Co-evolution. London: Edward Elgar

Rodrigues, S.B. and Child, J. (2008) Corporate Co-evolution: A Political Perspective. Oxford: Wiley (Winner of the Terry Award at the Academy of Management 2009)

Cunha, M. and Rodrigues, S.B. (editor and contributor). (2003) Manual de Estudos Organizacionais: Temas de Psicologia, Psicossociologia e Sociologia das Organizações (Handbook of Organization Studies: The Contribution of Psychology, Psychosociology and Sociology of Organizations). Lisboa: RH Editora

Rodrigues, S.B. A. Carrieri, and Luz, T. (2003). Organization Transformation in Times of Deconstruction. Belo Horizonte: UFMG Publishers

Rodrigues, S.B. and Cunha, M. (editor and contributor) (2000) Estudos Organizacionais: Novas Perspectivas para a Administração de Empresas (Organization Studies: New Perspectives for Business Organizations). São Paulo: Iglú

Rodrigues, S.B. (editor and contributor) (1999) Competitividade, Alianças Estratégicas e Gestão Internacional (Competitiveness, Strategic Alliances and International Management) São Paulo: Atlas

Book chapters and non-refereed articles

Rodrigues, S.B. and Dieleman (2017) Internationalization as co-evolution of market and non-market strategies – The case of Vale.  In Tulder, Verbeke, Carneiro and Gonzales-Perez The challenge of BRIC Multinationals. Bingley, UK: Emerald

Child, J. and Rodrigues, S.B. (2014). A hierarquia e seus descontentamentos. In: M. Marchiori (ed). Liderança e Comunicação Interna. São Caetano do Sul, SP: Difusão Editora; Rio de Janeiro: Editora Senac, (6): 141-162

Rodrigues, S.B. (2013) A dinâmica da cultura organizacional em um ambiente institucionalizado. In: M. Marchiori (ed.) Estudos Organizacionais em Interface com Cultura. Rio de Janeiro: Difusão Editora e Editora Senac, (2): 99-130

Child, J. and Rodrigues, S. B. (2012). How organizations engage with external complexity: A political action perspective. In: Understanding Organizations in Complex, Emergent and Uncertain Environments. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK., 13-44

Rodrigues, S. B. (2012). Coping with complexity in emerging markets. RSM Insights, 3rd quarter, 16-17

Child, J. and Rodrigues, S.B. (2011). Social identity and organizational learning. In Mark Easterby-Smith and Marjorie A. Lyles (eds.) Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management. Chichester: Wiley 2nd edition, 305-329

Child, J., Elbanna, S. and Rodrigues, S.B. (2010). The political aspects of strategic decision making. In David C. Wilson and Paul C. Nutt (eds.) Handbook of Decision Making. Chichester: Wiley, 105-137

Child, J. and Rodrigues, S.B. (2010). Padrões e motivos da internacionalização de empresas Chinesas. In M. Oliveira Junior, (ed.), Multinacionais Brasileiras: Internacionalização, Inovação e Estrategia Global. Porto Alegre: Bookman, 187-201

Child, J. and Rodrigues, S.B. (2004). Corporate governance in international joint ventures: Toward a theory of partner preferences. In: Anna Grandori (ed.), Corporate Governance and Firm Organization, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 89-102

Child, John and Rodrigues, S.B. (2004). Corporate governance and the move from hierarchy: The problem of double agency. In: Hervé Dumez (ed.) Gouverner les Organisations. Paris: L’Harmattan, 255-279

Child, J. and Rodrigues, S.B. (2003). Social identity and organizational learning. In M. Easterby-Smith and M. A. Lyles (eds), Handbook of Organizational Learning. Oxford: Blackwell, 535-556

Rodrigues, S.B. and Barros B. (2002). Management in Brazil. In Malcolm Warner (ed.), The International Encyclopaedia of Business and Management, 2nd ed. London: Thompson Learning, 528-540

Rodrigues, S.B. (2002). Management in Latin America. In: Malcolm Warner (ed.). Management in the Americas, 2nd ed. London: Thompson Learning, 3750-3764

Kilimnik, Z. and Rodrigues, S.B. (2001). Gerentes de RH: Reações e carreiras pos-demissão. In S. Pimenta and M.L. Correia (eds), Gestão, Trabalho e Cidadania – Novas Articulações. Belo-Horizonte: Autêntica Editora/CEPEAD, 219-242

Barros, B. and Rodrigues, S.B. (2001). Compreendendo a dimensão cultural nos negócios internacionais. In: B.Tanure (ed.), Fusões, & Parcerias. São Paulo: Atlas, 103-123.

Rodrigues, S.B. (2001). De fábricas a lojas de conhecimento: As universidades e a desconstrução do conhecimento sem cliente. In Fleury M. T. & Oliveira M. M. (eds). Gestão e Estratégia do Conhecimento. São Paulo: Atlas, 87-117

Rodrigues, S.B. (2000). Management education in Latin America. In M.Warner (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Business and Management. London: Thompson Business Press, 171-192

Prates, A. and Rodrigues, S.B. (2000). Representações do sujeito na teoria organizacional. In Portuguese version of S. Clegg, C. Hardy and W. Nord (eds.), Handbook of Organization Studies. São Paulo: Atlas, Vol 2, 344-352

Rodrigues, S.B. and Carrieri A. (2000). Estudos organizacionais: A tradição anglo-saxonica no Brasil. In: Rodrigues S. B. and M. P. Cunha, (eds.), Estudos Organizacionais: Novas Perspectivas para a Administração de Empresas. São Paulo: Editora Iglú, 21-42

Rodrigues, S.B. Carrieri, A. and Luz T. (2000). Competição organizacional: Bricolage e o seu significado para gerência. In Rodrigues S. B. and Cunha M. P. (eds.), Estudos Organizacionais: Novas Perspectivas para a Administração de Empresas. São Paulo: Editora Iglú, 335-353

Rodrigues, S.B. (1999). Alianças estratégicas internacionais em economias emergentes: o caso Brazil e China. In: Rodrigues S. B. (ed.) Competitividade, Alianças Estratégicas e Gerência Internacional. São Paulo: Atlas, 183-205

Rodrigues, S.B., Fachin, R. (1999). Teorizando sobre organizações: Vaidades ou pontos de vista? In Portuguese version of S. Clegg, C. Hardy and W. Nord, (eds.),Handbook of Organizations Studies. São Paulo: Atlas, Vol 1, 99-104

Rodrigues, S.B. (1996). Corporate culture and de-institutionalization: Implications for identity in a Brazilian telecommunications company. In: G. Palmer and S. Clegg, (eds.), Constituting Management Markets, Meanings and Identities. New York: Walter de Gruyter, 115-137

Child, J. and Rodrigues, S.B. (1996). The role of social identity in international transfer of knowledge through joint ventures. In: The Politics of Management Knowledge. S. Clegg and G. Palmer (eds.) London: Sage, 46-68

Rodrigues, S.B. (1996). Joint venture: Aprendizagem tecnológica e gerencial. In R. Sbragia, J. Marcovitch, E. Vasconcellos (eds.) Gestão da InovaçãoTecnológica. São Paulo: Pacto 2, 1256-1275

Rodrigues, S.B. (1996). Local rationality in the formation of strategic alliances: the case of emerging economies. In: D. Gertner, P. F. Bocater and R.P.C. Leal (eds.) Business Association for Latin America Studies, Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio, 1: 374-391

Rodrigues, S.B. (1992). Joint ventures internacionais no contexto global’. In R. Sbragia, J. Marcovitch, and E. Vasconcellos (eds), Gestão da InovaçãoTechnológica. São Paulo: Pacto, 770-789

 Papers in Progress

Rodrigues, S.B.; Dieleman M. and Nicholson R. (2018). Political risk and headquarter-subsidiary relations in emerging market multinationals, submitted to AOM, Chicago, Illinois

Castro A. and. Rodrigues S. B 2018. The Organization that Bribed the World: The institutionalization of corruption and unethical values, submitted to EGOS, European Academy of Management

Cota, Gustavo and Rodrigues S.B. 2018. Deinternationalization and financial costs by EMMs: the relevance of nonmarket forces in less developed countries

Rodrigues, S. B. Carvalho, G. (2017). The automobile and component industry responses to institutional voids in emerging markets: A co-evolution perspective

Rodrigues, A. C. and Rodrigues S. B. “Governança pública e reeleições em Minas Gerais”, presented at the Brazilian International Congress of Management, sub-area Ethics and trasnparence in organizations PGA/FEA/USP submitted to the Revista Administração Pública e Gestão (ISSN – 2175-5787)